The Disappearance of Brandi Wells- TEXAS

Brandi Wells disappeared on August 3rd, 2006 from (in and around) Longview, Texas.

Timeline of Events:

Evening of August 2nd, 2006- Stopped by to see her mother and younger sister at their apartment (where was staying that evening)

8:00PM- Asked if she could borrow her mother's car; however, her mother told her it was low on gas, so Brandi took her own car instead. Brandi told her mother she was going to the Electric Cowboy (a local club.) She also asked her sister to go out with her, but her sister wasn't feeling up to it.

Some after 8:00PM- Brandi stops by a local bowling alley (11th Frame Club) and has a drink on her mother's tab (a family friend was the bartender.) Brandi told the bartender that she was going to Grand Central Station, a bar in Longview, TX. The family friend tried to talk Brandi out of it, as she would be traveling their alone, but Brandi insisted.

Around 10:44PM- Brandi's driver license was swiped at Grand Central Station and she is seen on surveillance footage there.

Around 12:30AM, August 3rd, 2006- Seen leaving Grand Central Station on surveillance footage. (Investigators were following the girl presumed to be Brandi on original surveillance footage; however, it was later realized they were following the wrong girl around. This IS the time the actual Brandi was seen leaving the club.)

9:15AM, August 3rd, 2006- Brandi's car was found alongside Interstate 20. She hadn't been reported missing at this point; however, so he simply tagged it and left the seen.

9:30AM, August 3rd, 2006- Brand's mom wakes up to find out that Brandi hadn't came home from her night out. She didn't get worried because she just assumed Brandi had stayed at a friend's house after.

Afternoon, August 3rd, 2006- Brandi's roommate calls Brandi's mom and asks if she has heard from Brandi. Brandi's mom then calls Brandi's cellphone, but it goes straight to voicemail. Brand's mom still wasn't worried something bad had happened.

August 4th, 2006- Brandi's mom still cannot reach her, so she goes to the Tyler Police Department and files a missing person's report. While filing, Brandi's mother learns that Brandi went to Grand Central Station and not the Electric Cowboy.

Evening, August 4th, 2006- Brandi's mom drives to Grand Central Station (and Longview, Texas) and searches around the surrounding area.

August 5th, 2006- The Longview Police Department takes over the case as Brandi was proven to be missing from that location as she was last seen at Grand Central Station. Missing Persons Report filed there.

August 6th, 2006- Someone calls in and reports that Brandi's car was sitting on the side of I-20. Once the police arrive, they make the connection that this car is tied to a current missing person.

August 8th, 2006- The CSI is called to Brandi's vehicle; however cadaver dogs were unable to pick up Brandi's scent. There was also no sign of a struggle. There was a napkin in her vehicle with a man's name and number on it.

August 8th, 2006- Man who's name was on the napkin is contacted. He cooperated with law enforcement and stated that he did interact with Brandi that evening. He wanted to buy her a drink, but she declined. She then asked for gas money. That was as far as their interaction went.

August 12th, 2006- Brand's mother gives sample of her DNA and realizes the cellphone in Brandi's car was not her cellphone. It was an ex-boyfriend's who was currently overseas.

Shortly after this, Brandi's family got ahold of her cellphone records from Brandi's friend who shared a contract with her. No suspicious activity was noted prior to Brandi's disappearance. HOWEVER, on or around August 11th (9 days after disappearance), calls were made that had all those working on the case curious.

Shortly after, two individuals were brought in for questioning. They led investigators to one individual claiming to have found Brandi's cellphone on the side of the road on the south side of town (near where Brandi's car was abandoned.) This area was also known for sex trafficking and drug use. This man was given a polygraph test and failed (after denying the first polygraph.) The first two individuals first brought in for questioning were also given polygraph tests and passed. **Man who failed polygraph test is not being considered a person of interest**

September 19th, 2006- The Laura Recovery Centre, a group that helps find missing people, is contacted so that a search of the area around Grand Central Station can be completed.

September 26th, 2006- A search was done near Grand Central Station, but nothing was found.

December 23rd, 2006- Another search was done by the Laura Recovery Centre, but no actual evidence came from it.

Early 2007- Another search was completed and unfortunately, came up empty handed once again.

2010- Brandi's mother received a phone call from a man named Tim claimed that Brandi was alive and well in Kansas City, Missouri; however, the phone call disconnected before she could further their discussion.

*Things to Note:

- Brandi's front seat of her vehicle was pushed all the way back. Brandi was only 5' tall. Some believe this could indicate someone much taller than Brandi drove it to that spot. The keys were missing and the driver's door was open slightly.

- Brandi's purse and a cellphone were found in her vehicle. There was also a gas can in the trunk; however, her family doesn't believe it belonged to her.

- Determine she most likely only ordered one drink from Grand Central Station

* Case Information taken from Stories of the Unsolved:

Brandi Wells went missing from Longview, Texas on August 3, 2006. She was 23 years old and was last seen wearing a floral print blouse, brown pants and black strapless high-heeled sandals. At the time of her disappearance, she was 5’0″ and weighed approximately 120 pounds. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Her ears are pierced.
Currently, her case is classified as endangered missing. If alive, she would be 35 years old.
If you have any information regarding the case, you can contact the Longview Police Department at 903-237-1110.
* Some of the questions I have after reading about this case and watching her story on season 1, episode 1 of "Disappeared"-

Why was she so adamant about going to Grand Central Station? She clearly did not have the gas money (or drink money since she put a drink on her mom's tab at the bowling alley and those at Grand Central Station aren't sure if she even had a drink there), so why did she absolutely want to go? I feel like there had to be more to this story even though I haven't found information leading to that...

